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Tap Dance

About our classes...

Tap Dance

Tap Dance is an exciting, percussive, rhythmical dance form. The dancer uses their feet to strike the floor, beating out a melody, with tap shoes which have metal plates on the toe and heel to give the distinctive sound. Tap is a theatrical art form often seen on screen and stage in musicals. It has evolved as a dance form, with its origins in African dance, Irish dance and clog dance.

Tap is enjoying another revival and we hold classes for age 3 to 103; everyone can tap and everyone is welcome. Tap can help increase musicality and a sense of rhythm, it is infectiously good fun, and can improve fitness levels.

Tiny dancers LOVE making the most noise possible with their feet, and children quickly learn how to refine, improve and tailor their sound, using light and shade, suspense and weight, becoming aware of tonal quality and subtle differences in their footwork week to week. Along with a good sense of enjoyment and performance, children love taking tap exams and performing in shows equally, both are optional and both offer tremendous rewards.

tap dancing
tap dancing classes