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Choreography Competition

EVERYONE at Northern Dance Centre aged four years and over is welcome to enter; all you need to do is make up a dance!

2025 Competition will be held on Sunday 30th March, and the closing date for entries is 1st March.

  • You can either perform it yourself or create a dance for someone else to perform.
  • You can do a Solo, a Duet, a Trio or a Group Dance, and there are five age categories.


Lots of trophies and medals to be won, and the overall winner will see their dance costumed professionally and performed at our next Show.

You don’t have to wear an expensive costume or make up; you can dance in your regular class uniform or anything you like! Why not have a go? We would love to see your dances!

The Northern Dance Centre Choreography Competition celebrates creativity and imagination in aspiring young dancers, and offers children the opportunity to express themselves and develop their skills in the world of choreography

For more information, choreography hints and tips, please email


  • Age 4-6
  • Age 7-9
  • Age 10-12
  • Age 13-15
  • Age 16-18

Please note that it should be the age of the choreographer rather than the dancer, and if the ages in a duet, trio or group are mixed then please go by the oldest.


  • Solo: 1.5 – 2 minutes
  • Duet: 2 – 2.5 minutes
  • Trio: 3 – 3.5 minutes
  • Group: 4 – 4.5 minutes

Competition is open to ALL Boys and Girls in the School!

The Choreography Competition encourages all forms of dance, and your piece can be one genre e.g. Ballet or Contemporary, or contain as many styles as you wish, e.g. a fusion of Tap / Hip-Hop